Courtesy of LinkedIn
Monday, March 10, 2025
You see, Edna, they are too low level to keep up with you
Dark Red Silk
Attendants prepare for the closing session of a conference at the 人民大会堂 (Great Hall of the People) in 北京 (Běijīng), China. Photo: Pedro Pardo/AFP/Getty Images. |
Come on, Edna, do not pretend to be who you are not
Courtesy of Dina Cardona
Sunday, March 9, 2025
The In-Betweens
許安榮 (Ān Róng Xǔ), Grand Park Girls, 2011. Photo © 許安榮 (Ān Róng Xǔ). Courtesy of Dazed. |
No, Edna, no one knows where Cinderella’s shoe fell down but her who let it slip, waiting for a prince to pick it up
Artwork © Fanartka🇺🇦 (@fanartka_inst)
Devilishly angelic
Allegory of politics
Giorgio Agamben, Quodlibet, March 8, 2025
We are all in hell, but some seem to think that there is nothing else to do here but to study and minutely describe the devils, their hideous appearance, their ferocious behaviors, their treacherous plots. Perhaps they thus delude themselves that they can escape hell and do not realise that what fully engages them is nothing but the worst of the punishments that the devils conceived to torment them. Like the peasant in Kafka’s parable, they do nothing but count the fleas on the doorkeeper’s collar. It goes without saying that even those who spend their time in hell describing the angels of heaven are not in the right — this too is a punishment, apparently less cruel, but not less heinous than the other.
True politics stands between these two punishments. It begins, first of all, with knowing where we are and that we are not given to escape so easily the infernal machine which surrounds us. We know what there is to know about demons and angels, but we also know that hell was created with a fallacious imagination of paradise and that any consolidation of the walls of Eden corresponds to a deepening of the abyss of Gehenna. We know little about good and it is not a theme we can develop; about evil we only know that we ourselves had built the infernal machine with which we torment ourselves. Perhaps a science of good and evil has never existed, and in any case, it doesn’t interest us here and now. True knowledge is not a science — it is, rather, a way out. And it is possible that this coincides now with a tenacious, lucid, alert resistance on the spot.
Giorgio Agamben, Quodlibet, March 8, 2025
We are all in hell, but some seem to think that there is nothing else to do here but to study and minutely describe the devils, their hideous appearance, their ferocious behaviors, their treacherous plots. Perhaps they thus delude themselves that they can escape hell and do not realise that what fully engages them is nothing but the worst of the punishments that the devils conceived to torment them. Like the peasant in Kafka’s parable, they do nothing but count the fleas on the doorkeeper’s collar. It goes without saying that even those who spend their time in hell describing the angels of heaven are not in the right — this too is a punishment, apparently less cruel, but not less heinous than the other.
True politics stands between these two punishments. It begins, first of all, with knowing where we are and that we are not given to escape so easily the infernal machine which surrounds us. We know what there is to know about demons and angels, but we also know that hell was created with a fallacious imagination of paradise and that any consolidation of the walls of Eden corresponds to a deepening of the abyss of Gehenna. We know little about good and it is not a theme we can develop; about evil we only know that we ourselves had built the infernal machine with which we torment ourselves. Perhaps a science of good and evil has never existed, and in any case, it doesn’t interest us here and now. True knowledge is not a science — it is, rather, a way out. And it is possible that this coincides now with a tenacious, lucid, alert resistance on the spot.
(English translation by I, Robot)
邸可新 (Dǐ Kěxīn), 伊甸园系列 夏娃的诱惑 (The Eden Series—Eve’s Temptation), 2016. Courtesy of WikiArt. |
Saturday, March 8, 2025
A Date to Play Subbuteo
Spartak Moscow defender Srđan Babić from Serbia played a friendly chess game with three-time Russian Women’s Champion Aleksandra Yuryevna Goryachkina. On the occasion Babić, who grew interested in chess thanks to Netflix’s Queen’s Gambit, gallantly gave Goryachkina, reportedly a fan of the Red-Whites, his autographed jersey. Inevitably, however, the game was won by the “weak sex”, who nevertheless spent words of praise for her opponent. |
Friday, March 7, 2025
Yeah, Edna, nothing in life is like the flavour of a double chocolate tiramisu
Artwork © Fanartka🇺🇦 (@fanartka_inst)
The Drive for Knowledge
On Friday afternoon, February 28, 2025, four-time Women’s World Chess Champion 侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán), in her capacity as Professor in the PKU Physical Education and Research Department, held a special chess class for teachers as a didactic program of collective lesson preparation for the spring semester of 2025. Photos: Department of PE, Peking University. |
Thursday, March 6, 2025
And so, Edna, may it be sweet for you to live in such a world
Artwork © Fanartka🇺🇦 (@fanartka_inst)
Gravitation and Inertia
黎雨诗 (Lí Yǔshī) & Chad Browne photographed by Eleonora Agostini for Vogue Italia, No. 857, February 2022. Photo: Eleonora Agostini/Vogue Italia. |
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Don’t worry, Edna — I won’t tell anyone if you won’t
Artwork © MikeMoon1990
High and Mighty
陈秋林 (Chén Qiūlín), I am an angel No.3, 2006. Photo © 陈秋林 (Chén Qiūlín). Courtesy of Christie’s. |
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
And of course, Edna, you were there as well
Artwork © Streaming
Gone But Not Forgotten
The funeral of 10th World Chess Champion Boris Vasilievich Spassky was celebrated today with utmost splendour and solemnity at the Transfiguration Church of the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow, Russia; and honoured by the presence of the higher chess authorities of the country, including FIDE President Arkady Vladimirovich Dvorkovich and Chess Federation of Russia President Andrey Vasilievich Filatov.
Over 200 people came to honour Spassky’s funeral. Photos: Andrey Ivanovich Lyubimov/RBK. |
Monday, March 3, 2025
Yes, Edna, it seems that spring will be coming soon
Artwork © Anthony Helmer🍺🏰🎨 (anthony.helmer)
Blossom Time
Plum blossoms flower at a wetland park in 杭州 (Hángzhōu), 浙江省 (Zhèjiāng province), China. Photo: AFP/Getty Images. |
Sunday, March 2, 2025
Well, Edna, one may say that it is always better too late than never
Artwork © Jose-Ramiro
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
Much thanks to Ulises for sharing his information about a Reddit user who “regularly post updates about 丁立人 (Dīng Lìrén) and translates content from Chinese sources”.
Inevitably, the death of 10th World Chess Champion Boris Vasilievich Spassky, is uppermost in the heart of 丁立人 (Dīng Lìrén), who, on his 新浪微博 (Sina Wēibó) microblogging account, commented on his illustrious predecessor’s passing with a melancholic reflection upon the meaning of life:
Inevitably, the death of 10th World Chess Champion Boris Vasilievich Spassky, is uppermost in the heart of 丁立人 (Dīng Lìrén), who, on his 新浪微博 (Sina Wēibó) microblogging account, commented on his illustrious predecessor’s passing with a melancholic reflection upon the meaning of life:
“It may be a consolation to know that, when one dies, one will be known and loved again...”. |
Saturday, March 1, 2025
On the other hand, Edna, the line between generosity and self-interest may be very thin and quite difficult to discern
Artwork © Krystel Kouyoumdjis
Friday, February 28, 2025
After all, Edna, as Philip Mason said, “a gentleman is always a man in a mask”
Artwork © BluegirlWoomy
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